Management and soft skills

Next level manager program


Great companies are made of great people.

The greatest asset of a company is its people. (Jorge Paulo Lemann)

In the hypercompetitive world, quality of management is a critical success factor for every organization so that being a professional manager who leads people and tasks to achieve company goals; is a highly acquired need for any company to better compete and elevate profits and performance.

Next level manager program is an integrated training program focused on all required elements of manager job with every expected daily activity.  Next level manager program weaponizes the trainees with all knowledge, techniques, tools, and competences that are essential for achieving the organizational goals.

Now, invest in your employees who are the cornerstone of leading people to achieve the desired results. Next level manager program is what do you need to augment and empower your managers.

Who should attend Next level manager program:

All employees who are preparing to have their next level in the hierarchy, every newly hired manager, and managers need to boost their abilities to get more among rivals and competitive market.


Next level manager program is designed to address the pain of being a manager!

The program deals with all essential 4 phases of the management process on both tasks and people. Have a look at the program detailed outlines to get sure.


Next level manager program is a practical training to put theories into actions.

The program design is made to suit all different learning styles of attendees. Because of this, we will apply different psychometric and personality assessments before starting the training program to stand over the specific type and skills of every attendant.

 There are many case studies and discussions throughout the learning process to increase understanding and applications.

 By the end of Next level manager program there is a complete case study assessment to check how deeply trainees understand and execute what has been learned.

Delivery methods

Online and offline training through full 6 training days.

After program service:

For corporates:

Next level manager program provides high management and board members or HR managers with individual development plan for each attendant with recommendations and suggestions to elevate individual, departmental and company performance.

Customization is available according to the company’s needs and TNA.

For individuals:

Next level manager program provides the attendant with all results and comments on case studies and the psychometric and personality assessment that had been tackled.